Apache ActiveMQ Monitoring


Apache ActiveMQ is the most popular and powerful open-source messaging server. ActiveMQ apart from being powerful and open source, it is the most light weight messaging server compared to other messaging servers like JBossMQ and Tibco EMS.
In this document, we have described about Cavisson monitoring support to Active ApacheMQ service provider.

Monitoring Capabilities

Broker Stats

Metric Type Description
Active MQ Total Connections Sample Total number of connections serviced since this Broker was started.
Active MQ Current Connections Sample Current number of active connections on this Broker.
Active MQ Enqueue/Sec Rate (cumToPS) Number of messages that have been sent to the broker per second.
Active MQ Dequeue/Sec Rate (cumToPS) Number of messages that have been acknowledged on the broker per second.
Active MQ Consumers Sample Number of consumers subscribed to destinations on the broker.
Active MQ Producers Sample Number of producers active on destinations on the broker.
Active MQ Messages Sample Number of unacknowledged messages on the broker.
Active MQ Store Limit (MB) Sample Disk space (in megabytes) used for persistent messages before producers are blocked.
Active MQ Store Usage (PCT) Sample Percentage of the disk space in use.
Active MQ Temp Limit (MB) Sample Disk space (in megabytes) used for non-persistent messages and temporary data before producers are blocked.
Active MQ Temp Usage (PCT) Sample Percentage of available disk space in use.
Active MQ Memory Limit (MB) Sample The memory (in megabytes) used for holding undelivered messages before paging to temporary storage.
Active MQ Memory Usage (PCT) Sample Percentage of available memory in use.
Active MQ JobScheduler Store Limit (KB) Sample Disk limit (in Kilobytes) used for scheduled messages before producers are blocked.
Active MQ JobScheduler Store Usage (PCT) Sample Percent of job store limit used.
Active MQ Average Message Size (KB) Sample Average Message Size on destination in Kilobytes.
Active MQ Max Message Size (KB) Sample Maximum Message Size on destination in Kilobytes.
Active MQ Min Message Size (KB) Sample Minimum Message Size on destination in Kilobytes.

Destination (Topic or Queue) Stats

Metric Type Description
Active MQ Queue Size Sample The number of messages in the destination that are waiting to be consumed, potentially dispatched but unacknowledged.
Active MQ Enqueue/Sec Rate (cumToPS) Number of messages that have been sent to the destination per second.
Active MQ Dequeue/Sec Rate (cumToPS) Number of messages that have been acknowledged from the destination per second.
Active MQ Consumers Sample Number of consumers subscribed to the destination.
Active MQ Producers Sample The number of producers connected to the destination.
Active MQ Forward messages Sample Number of messages that have been forwarded (to a networked broker) from the destination.
Active MQ Average Message Size (KB) Sample Average Message Size on destination in Kilobytes.
Active MQ Max Message Size (KB) Sample Maximum Message Size on destination in Kilobytes.
Active MQ Min Message Size (KB) Sample Minimum Message Size on destination in Kilobytes.
Active MQ Blocked/Sec Rate (cumToPS) Number of messages blocked per second for flow control.
Active MQ Expired/Sec Rate (cumToPS) The number of messages that have expired in the destination per second.
Active MQ Dispatched/Sec Rate (cumToPS) The number of messages that have been delivered to consumers per second, but not necessarily acknowledged by the consumer.
Active MQ InFlight Messages Sample The number of dispatched to but not acknowledged by the consumers.
Active MQ Average Enqueue Time (ms) Sample The average amount of time (in milliseconds), that messages sat in the destination before being consumed.
Active MQ Max Enqueue Time (ms) Sample The longest amount of time (in milliseconds), that a message sat in the destination before being consumed.
Active MQ Min Enqueue Time (ms) Sample The shortest amount of time (in milliseconds), that a message sat in the destination before being consumed.
Active MQ Average Blocked Time (ms) Sample Average amount of time (in milliseconds), that a message is blocked for flow control.
Active MQ Total Blocked Time (Sec) Sample Total amount of time (in seconds), that a message is blocked for flow control.
Active MQ Memory Usage Portion (MB) Sample The portion of the broker’s memory limit (in megabytes) used by the destination.
Active MQ Memory Limit (MB) Sample The memory (in megabytes) used for holding undelivered messages before paging to temporary storage.
Active MQ Memory Usage (PCT) Sample The percentage of the memory used.